A multiplatform experiment (X-band radar data from SusTunTech project and in-situ data from MARLIT project) and first analysis were presented on May 26th in the EU General Assembly 2022 (https://www.egu22.eu/), by Dr. Lohitzune Solabarrieta and Alexandre Clot. The presentation was titled “A multiplatform data experiment to characterize waves and currents in front of Biarritz main beach” (https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU22/EGU22-7223.html) and it was part of the session OS2.2: Oceanography at coastal scales. Modelling, coupling, observations and applications.
The work has been done in collaboration between AZTI (Spain) and SUEZ, Smart & Environmental Solutions, Center Rivages Pro Tech (France). The measurements of currents and waves by different instruments (in situ ADCP and remote X-band radar) have been compared to find complementarities of these instruments to characterize the wave regime and the surface currents of the study area.
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