Sustuntech team has organised a special session together with other experts in the 5th International Symposium “The Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans” #ECCWO5. This event will be held in Bergen (Norway) from the 17th to the 21st April 2023 and brings together experts from around the world to better understand climate effects on ocean ecosystem, what adaptation and mitigation measures could look like, and how to implement them.
The hybrid (presential and online) session with title “Smart fishing for climate change mitigation and adaptation” (S2) aims to gather the latest research on evaluation of fuel use and emission, strategies to reduce fishing-related emission, and measure to adapt to climate change in capture fisheries and will serve as the foundation of a ‘smart fishing’ transition decade aiming to reduce emissions from fishing by up to 50%.
The session convenors are: Jose A. Fernandes (AZTI, Spain), Pingguo He (University of Massachusetts, USA), Kayvan Pazouki (University of Newcastle, UK) and Karl-Johan Reite
(SINTEF, Norway). Antonello Sala (Italian National Research Council, Italy) will also participate as Plenary Speaker and Carlos Groba (Marine Instruments, Spain) will be the Invited Speaker.
The session will cover topics on fishing gear and fishing vessel design and operation, new and efficiency engines and fuel types for fishing vessels, measures to monitor fuel use and emission, use of artificial intelligence for selective fishing and route optimization for fuel consumption reduction, and means to adapt to and mitigate climate change in fisheries.
See more information HERE
We encourage you to submit an abstract for this session or participate listening and making questions to the session speakers. We are also considering having a workshop at the end of the session abour current opportunities, barriers and steps forward (maybe has first step for positioning paper).
Please, find guidelines and steps to submit an abstract HERE
Deadline for abstracts submission is 1 November 2022
If you need any further information you can contact Dr Jose A. Fernandes:
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