Cordis, the official website where European Union research results are published, has highlighted the results obtained during the fine-tuning of the SusTunTech project.

According to the article, fuel accounts for about 50% of the operating costs of tuna vessels. In this sense, SusTunTech estimates to achieve savings of at least 20% in fuel costs. To validate this estimate, project members equipped a shore-based facility and two tuna vessels with the project’s monitoring system.

The news also detailed each of the technological products that make up the project: SmartMarineView, technology developed and marketed by Marine Instruments; MarPrime Plus, designed and marketed by Maridis and Ratatosk, developed through different research projects coordinated by Sintef Ocean.

For Begoña Vila Taboada, project coordinator: “Increasing the digitalization of the tuna fleet, thanks to the introduction of tools such as those developed in this project, is essential to provide our potential customers with the necessary information to reduce the time at sea and the environmental impact of their activities; our goal is to be part of this process”.

You can read the complete news in the following link:

Sustainable tuna fisheries through advanced earth observation technologies