
Interview about digitalization of the fishing sector and the SusTunTech project

Iñaki Quincoces was interviewed in the Basque Public Radio about fisheries digitalization, in the interview he presented the Sustuntech project as an example of the roadmap to digitalization and its advantages for fishers. about-murder-happening-11700-years-ago/ Interview can be found from minute 27.

February 8th, 2022|Categories: Publications|

SusTunTech project analyse ways to improve species identification with artificial intelligence

Smart fishing is an emerging concept aiming at facilitating and making more efficient fishing by using technology including artificial intelligence. One of the limitations is the availability of information about catches at species level to improve species distribution forecasting. However, artificial intelligence can also help to improve such information as shown in a recent publication [...]

December 17th, 2021|Categories: Publications|

SusTunTech presentation in the XXV Technical Conference on Diffusion of the Fisheries Sector of Celeiro

SUSTUNTECH project was shown in the framework of the “Fishing digitization as a sustainability tool: Opportunities and advantages of fishery digitalization” presentation, during the “XXV Technical Conference on Diffusion of the Fisheries Sector” that was held in Celeiro (Lugo, Spain) from November 25 to 27, 2021. This yearly appointment of the Cantabrian-Northwest sector, supported [...]

December 16th, 2021|Categories: Publications|

SusTunTech inspiring master students in computer science to work on marine sciences

Dr. Fernandes has presented SusTunTech to KISA master students to inspire them to do their thesis in marine science applications of machine learning. The marine science has many complexes that require a multidisciplinary team including computer scientist. The lack of computer scientist with some marine sciences knowledge has been one of the limitations identified for [...]

November 19th, 2021|Categories: Publications|

Climate change and SusTunTech contribution to provide solutions in Cadena Ser radio

Climate change is hot topic with COP26 meeting in Glasgow with high interest by the media. While much of the scientists work on climate change has focused on forecasting scenarios of impact, SusTunTech aims to provide some of the solutions. Prof. Xabier Irigoien and Dr. Jose A. Fernandes has been interviewed by Cadena Ser radio. [...]

November 9th, 2021|Categories: Publications|

SusTunTech at ICES Working Group on Shipping Impacts in the Marine Environment (WGSHIP)

SusTunTech actively contributes to this WGSHIP group in their activities, reports and meetings. This group had its last meeting this week (2-4 November 2021) to gather conclusions of their work and to define new steps such as defining the aims of the group to extend their activities another three years: Topics addressed by the [...]

November 8th, 2021|Categories: Publications|