
SusTunTech contribution to ICES group on Working group on Machine Learning in Marine Science (WGMLEARN)

SusTunTech actively contributes to this WGMLEARN in their activities, reports and meetings. This group had his last meeting this week (25-29 October 2021) to gather conclusions of their work and to define new steps such as defining the aims of a WGMLEARN2 group to extend their activities another three years: The objectives WGMLEARN [...]

October 29th, 2021|Categories: Publications|

SusTunTech mitigation and adaptation to climate change contribution in Onda Cero radio

Dr. Jose A. Fernandes has been interviewed by Onda Cero radio where he has explained how SusTunTech project aims to provide solutions to climate change (from minute 23): These contributions are: SusTunTech provide machine learning based approaches to reduce fuel consumption in vessels and the consequent emissions SusTunTech provide machine learning based approaches [...]

October 29th, 2021|Categories: Publications|

Sustuntech at World Maritime Week

Sustuntech project was represented by Iñaki Quincoces and Oihane Cabezas from AZTI at the World Maritime Week (WMW), an International meeting about Naval, Fishing, Ports, Oil&Gas and Ocean Renewable Energies. In particular Sustuntech was presented at Eurofishing, one of the 5 one of the 5 WMW conferences. Eurofihing is a fisheries congress that includes an international Conference [...]

October 26th, 2021|Categories: Publications|

Interview in TVE to Iñaqui Quinoces about digitalization in fishing

The road to digitization of fisheries. Fishing 4.0. To what extent can the large amount of data handled by ships in general and fishing vessels in particular contribute to improving the management of fisheries and the sea in general? TVE talked about this with Iñaki Quincoces, an expert in sustainable fishing technology from the Basque [...]

October 21st, 2021|Categories: Publications|

MarineView managers visit Canarian fishermen

Nautical and Marine Instruments, both grupoarbulu companies, join forces in their commitment to the digital transformation of the fishing industry by providing technology highly adapted to their current needs. They presented in Agaete, Canary Island, their latest innovations and onboard applications. Technologies include electronic monitoring systems, oceanographic services and on-board satellite communication solutions. Sandra Brion, MarineView Manager, explained [...]

October 19th, 2021|Categories: Publications|

SusTunTech meets FutureMARES project at their annual meeting for adapting and mitigating climate change

Jose A. Fernandes, Igor Granado, Iñaki Quincoces SusTunTech H2020 European project aims to reduce fuel consumption of tuna vessels as a climate change mitigation strategy and help them to adapt to changes of species distribution driven by climate change. But, the ambition is that these vessels are just an example and that SusTunTech algorithms are [...]

October 4th, 2021|Categories: Publications|